The process of being approved for adoptions involves several steps:
- Doing a vet check if you currently have pet or have had a pet in the past
- Verification of address
- Verification of rental agreement allowing pets (if applicable)
- Phone Interview
- Home check
- Final Approval
- Scheduling a visit to Daphneyland to see the hounds and find your new furry family member.
To be considered for a DaphneyLand Hound, you must complete and submit ALL of the following information. Applications which have ALL of the information provided will be processed first.
Our applications are screened and processed by volunteers, so it may be a few days before you hear from us but we will be in touch!
Clicking the submit button is the same as affixing my signature to this adoption application and I agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions set forth on this form and information elsewhere on this website. I attest that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that any omission or falsification may result in my application being rejected.